
Can my mom put a restraining order against my boyfriend?

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I've been dating this boy for about 3 months now. We recently got into an argument and broke up over something stupid. We got into a few fights where we called eachother some pretty nasty things and said really horrible stuff about eachother, but neither of us meant any of it. I was so mad at him at the time that i told my other everything. A few days went by, and me and my boyfriend patched everything up and are more than happy together. I told my mom this and she freaked out and called his mom and told her that she doesn't want him to call me and if he does, she is going to get a restraining order.

He has never hit me, pushed me or thrown things at me. He has never even done anything violent around me at all. He's never even screamed at me, and we've only fought about 3 times. He's never threatened me or put me in danger in any way possible. However, we have had s*x. He's about 6 months older than me, and my mom doesn't even care that we had s*x. She practically gave me permission. Can she do this?




  1. yes she can get a restraining order.  Screaming at you is enough.

    Stay away from the guy,  don't wait until he beats you..and he WILL sooner or later beat you up.

  2. I hope she does. You don't state your age, but I sure hope she does. What you described is not safe or healthy.

    And besides why would you/could you be with someone that not only brings THAT out in you but would/could talk that way to a girl.

    I hope she finds a way and blocks till this bozo is gone.

  3. 3 months... wow.

    Have s*x.. break up over something stupid.. say horrible things... and like magic it all goes away.

    I think you need to grow up a little more before rushing into a relationship... and so does he. How long do you think he would stay with you if you weren't putting out? For all you know the only reason he's back with you is because he got horny.

  4. If you are a minor, yes.

    If you are an adult, she can only get him restrained from herself, not on your behalf unless she has a power of attorney.

  5. If you are an adult, no.  You would have to get the order.  If you are a minor and she believes he could hurt you, then she can file for a restraining order.  Whether or not it will be granted is up to the judge.

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