
Can my mom put me up for adoption?

by  |  earlier

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Im 13 and my mom is putting me up for adoption im soo depressed im gunna be living with her for 34 days more and my dad is out of the picture. Where will i go, my mom said she needs to start ou fresh how could she do this. I dont know. Ive been crying non stop for a month(since she told me) any ideas on how to unconvince her. Ive tried evrything. And if that doesnt work where will i go. Will i ever see her. IS this really legal? HELP




  1. talk to the social worker involved with your case or get a lawyer. You are entitled to some help.

  2. If this is true......that is really horrible.  I'm sorry that you're going through this.

    Yes,  your mom can  put you up for adoption and relinquish her parental rights but it's done through the court system. You would be appointed a guardian, or child advocate....there would be of hearings and at your age,  you would certainly be involved and made aware of what's happening.  You can be placed with other relatives;  or a foster home/group home.

    I strongly suspect your mom may just be telling you that to upset you for some reason.

  3. I'm really sorry! You don't have a grandma or aunt that will take you? I'm sorry but she can really put you up for adoption I guess I'm never heard of a parent doing it when the kid is a teenager. If she decides to give you up you will go to a foster home with other children. I'm sorry to saay this but if she's giving you up because she needs a fresh start then she is obviously not a good parent because a real mother would never give up her child willingly. If I were you I would just try to find somone else in the family or a good friend maybe there parents will help you. Talk to a councelor at school and see what they can do. I really don't know the perfect answer. I wish you all the luck and hopes everything turns out o.k.

  4. Oh my gosh are you serious? Do you have any relatives?

    I have never heard of such a thing! Can anyone check this out for you like a school counselor?I am about to cry this is too sad

    please email me if you want to talk or give more details I think this is wrong but I am not sure! My kids are all in college now but

    this doesn't seem right at all!You must have relatives you can talk to. Or maybe stay with?Please let me know and i will try to help you!!!!

  5. Do you have any relatives?  Is your father on the birth certificate? He has some say if he is!!!

  6. yes its legal, and you'll be award of the state.. you'll go into foster care.. well,  adpotion,then again i don't know... but yes legal. sorry for your luck but things will work out.. sounds like you'll be better off since your mom is wanting to give you up..take care

  7. See if you can get a lawyer.  You'll likely qualify for legal assistance.

  8. Oh please!  Look at this guys other answers to questions. He is obviously not 13 and seem like a jerk to me in general.


  9. Bless your heart! I'm so sorry! I know that you must be feeling very hurt right now. I just cannot imagine! I am 36 have always wanted children of my own but have not been able to. Your mom must not be in a very healthy state of mind right now. Maybe you have done something to really upset her? You just need to talk to her let her know how you feel. I wish I could be more help, but this is a very serious situation, and requires professional answers for you! I'm very sorry you are going through this. Please try to talk to a teacher, or another adult who can help you with this. I really hope things work out for you! Have high hopes and dreams!

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