
Can my new employer make me pay for a background check?

by  |  earlier

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I live in Canada, and was just offered a job, but my employer says I have to pay $35 (with my own money) to obtain a criminal background check.

Is this legal? Why should I have to pay to get a job?




  1. Anything is legal if you agree to it. If you don't, you probably won't get the job.

  2. It's a scam.  There is no job waiting for you.  

    The basic concept of employment is that they pay you, not the other way around.

  3. I'm not sure about the laws in Canada, but in the United States, it depends on the states and several states do allow employers to charge for  background checks.

    That being said, many employers who have the option to do so, don't do it because it's extremely unethical.

  4. You are not paying to get a job you are paying for a background check to prove you qualify for the job. Why should the job foot the bill for you to prove you are qualified? If you have criminal history or problems that preclude you from the job why should the potential employer have to pay $35 for someone he isn't going to employ?

    Seems to me you A) have something to hide B) don't think it is worth $35 for you to have a steady paycheck for years to come or C) you think you deserve a free ride.

  5. Yes. You  have to go to the police station to get you criminal record check. It is like getting your driving record abstract. For jobs that require you to operate a vehicle.

  6. i dont no canadian law, but if that is a condition for employment with that company, i don't see why they can't charge you, if they tell you up front.  the solution - don't work there.

    it is no different than a company who said they would not hire me unless i got a hair cut.  my solution - i didn't work there.

  7. It is a condition of employment. You can back him away, by saying, "Sure, but the report is mine since I'm paying for it and you may not have a copy. You may look at it but that is all." Of course this may cost you the job. Decide your priorities.

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