
Can my parents be held liable for a car accident i get into?

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i am 17 years old and i live on my own technically i still live with my parents i have my drivers licence and my own car insurance and a car that is in my parents name that they gave to me however they wont sign the title over to me because they think that if i get in an accident that they could lose their house is that true




  1. I had to have this very discussion with my dad also. He was more than happy to hand over the car's title once we were informed that because I have such low income and am still living at home, someone can legally go after my dad for a lot of money if I got into an accident.

    So if you get hit, you'd better hope it isn't me, because I'm not worth much!

  2. Yes they can be sued once your insurance limits are gone through and as for them loosing their house, no they wont loose it but a lien could be put on it and they would never be able to sell it until the lien was satisfied........

  3. they should have signed the title over to you.... they had it backwards.. with the title in their name they are responsible for your actions... you can forge a document .. that is a sales slip to you from your parents.. on a date before the accident and use this as an excuse.. that is your only way out ..your parents i mean.. ok gilermo. and say you did not get a chance to change the tiitle  make shure they sign the title with the same date.. ok..

  4. As long as you are under 18 OR driving their vehicle, they are responsible for any trouble you get in while driving.

  5. The car is in their name, it's their car and is held liable. Your insurance should cover the damages though.

  6. Having the car in their name with you driving it isn't protecting them any more than signing it over to you would.

    It's like this: if you were in an accident and someone decided to sue you for more than the insurance would pay, because you are a minor and live in their home and drive their care, your parents could be liable. They should really speak to their insurance agent about the proper way to handle your situation, and if they are that worried, about adding a personal liability umbrella to their homeowners insurance to further protect them. Meanwhile, you need to be on the up and up with your insurance agent about the fact that you are living somewhere else and the car is not in your name, because both could affect your rates and not telling them could be considered fraud.

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