
Can my parents insure my car? (17 years old)?

by Guest56715  |  earlier

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I'm buying a 2nd hand sports car for very cheap. Could my parents insure the car for me? But I drive it? Is that legal?




  1. U have to be 21 or older when you insure a car  so yes your parents have to insure the car

  2. Since 17 is still considered a minor, your " purchase " will have to be in their name, the insurance will have to be in their name  and in the event any accident occurs while you are driving the liability will be theirs to bear. They will cover you in their insurance policy and the premium wwill be " eye opening".

  3. It most states you can not legally have the car in your name until age 18, so yes your parents would be able to get insurance in their name but added you as a  extra driver.  Much cheaper.... trying to get insurance yourself would probally be more expensive than the car.

  4. Your car will be added on your parents' insurance policy and you will be listed as the primary driver. The fact that it is a second car, it's a sports car, and you are a 17 year old male will create quite a bump in your parents' insurance rate.

    Actually, adding the car to your parents policy would be cheaper than if you had a separate policy yourself, which you can't anyway since you are only 17. So it's your only choice.

  5. In some states, the insurance will have to be in your parents' name, with you listed a a driver... in others that's not true. Depends on where you live and your overall driving record. Ask an insurance agent.

  6. I guess you should also check insurance quotes for the car before buying one, for example here:

    First time drivers usually have much higher rates than others. And it depends from car.

    Such a sporty car costs a lot to insure.

  7. yes they can, and the reason that the insurance is high is because they see 3 cars on a policy and 3 drivers in the house, they rate the highest risk driver on the highest risk car to cover all concieveable losses. its perfectly legal but it will still cost you money. and at the very least you cant enter into a legal contract until you are at least 18 years old. hence you cannot insure your own car.

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