
Can my parents tell me to go to bed and not play Halo 3 when I'm 22 years old?

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I mean, I am a Halo 3 MLG semi-pro and a total boss. Can they tell me to not play Halo at night?




  1. ummm do you live at home still?  Pay rent and tell them to leave you alone or continue to mooch off of them and play by their rules.

  2. first of all you are 22 and live with your mommy and they at least can tell you to turn the volume down...or do some things around the house, take out the trash...mow the lawn..then maybe they wont be on your a$$ about turning off the game.....

  3. If you live in their home, sure they can....

    Maybe they don't want to hear the noise while they are trying to sleep.  

    You're 22, maybe it's time to cut the apron strings.

  4. If you're in their house then yes. I could see why you would be upset if they told you to not play it and go to bed... as long as you're in your room and you don't have to TV so loud that it's disturbing their sleep. Otherwise, I think that's kinda S****y that they make you go to bed. They should at least have a little respect for you and let you play a video game at night, you're an adult after all... as long as you respect them back.

    Also, if I were you I would really try to move out. No one wants to live with their parents when they're 22. 19 or 20 is probably okay because you might be saving money for when you're on your own, but you should be out by the time you're almost 21. And, no matter how cool or a nice of a guy you are, it doesn't sound or look good   =/    Also, you could play Halo 3 any time you wanted, and naked, at that.

  5. who cares i played in a couple MLG tournies but im only 13!? ur 22 living with ur parents

  6. If you still live at their house you can, especially if you are up playing it all night long.

  7. Go get ur own house mommys boy! if ur leaving under there roof there in charge!!!!!  but 22 think it is time 2 move out of ur parents house!!!

  8. how about you MOVE YOUR BUTT OUT OF YOUR PARENTS HOUSE so that then they can't tell you what to do

  9. If you are living under their roof and they are financially supporting you, then they still have a right to do this.

    If you are paying them an appropriate amount of rent to live there (which includes money for food, housing, utilities, phone, etc) plus doing housework around the house and yard work, then there should be some "compromise" on this situation.

    Added: I do also have to agree with the other posts that at the age of 22 you should start to think about being responsible to care for yourself and move out. I was out of my parent’s house at 16 years of age taking care of myself and signed my first mortgage when I was 21. To obtain certain luxuries in life such as not having to listen to a parent, one needs to step up and take the responsibility.

  10. If you're living under their roof then I suppose they can.

    ETA: And all that Halo c**p won't mean a thing in the real world. Come on now... 22, living under your parents' roof, and wasting your time on Halo. Pathetic.

  11. yeah they can do a curfew if youre keeping them up

  12. If you live in their house....yep! Stinks doesn't it.  LOL

  13. They can tell you that, it's their house.  But they can't do much about it otherwise, aside from kicking you out which I doubt they would do for something so minor.   You are an adult, you don't have to listen to them when they tell you not to play Halo.  They can't do anything about it.   My husband's grandmother lives with us and she is constantly nagging at my husband and I to go to bed when she thinks we should and get up when she thinks we should (I'm 25 and he's 27) we ignore her.  Do what we want.  Just do the same in this situation.

  14. As a newly appointed Top Contributor, and father of four, I believe they can Michael.

    Without your Papa's seed, and without your Momma's egg, little baby Michael Vanderzand might not have grown them little magic fingers. Michael, maybe you just need your parents to have a little alone time, and give them the opportunity to spawn you some MLG teammates.

    Trust me. You are so boss at Halo anyway, I don't think you need the practice.

  15. As long as you don't distrub my sleep, don't leave a mess in the kitchen with midnight snacking and pay rent (if you aren't in school) I would have no trouble with it.

    My 19 year old son plays WOW until 3:00 am or longer.

  16. If you live at home and they are supporting you still then definitely yes. If you have a job and help pay for items in the house, rent, groceries, etc. then you may have room for argument but if not then they can still tell you what to do if all you do is sit around playing video games.

    I know that when my boys reach that age, they will either be going to school full time or have a full time job saving money for place of their own. I wouldn't allow my child to sit at home and play video games, h**l I don't even allow them to play video games all day now and they are 10 and 12 years old.

  17. Do you live at their house? if so, yes, they have every right to tell you to stop playing the game. if you don't like it, grow up and get your own place.

  18. if you are 22 and spend all day and night playing video games, and you are living under their roof, yes, they can tell you to stop playing.  You may be a "total boss" and a semi-pro but it is time to grow up.

  19. no its ur life.

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