
Can my pet snail control my mind?

by Guest60410  |  earlier

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i have a snail nearly the size of a baseball,and whenever i look at it,i have a strong urge to crawl around the living room,and go outside to eat grass!what the heck....?




  1. I think you are just procrastinating some activity you are supposed to be doing.

  2. lol, lets hope that snails cannot control our minds...

  3. well i think u must be sponge bob, cause hes the all one who dose that .lol

  4. you are the result of mixed cultures and this is your brain's attempt to resolve it's inner conflicts between muslim (mohammed) and jew (greenstein).

    find a toaist, zen rock garden free of snails.

  5. after reading your question, i think a rock controls your mind!

  6. Ok it's me. I'm the one using the snail to put thoughts in your mind. Don't believe me? Where do you think the idea for the question came from? I also control your answers, and the way you roll your eyes at some of the questions. My power is great.

  7. Why not? my cat controls me.. ohhh look catnip.


  8. Yes....he can control your mind. He's saying.....stay away from the salt...stay away from the salt....

  9. It is highly unlikely that the snail is able to control your mind without some form of implant inside your brain. In fact, the James Randi Educational Foundation has offered a million dollars in reward to whomever can prove supernatural abilities (subject to their tests to detect cheating, which superficially looks fair).

    What may be the case however is that you could have a highly developed sense of empathy - so strong that, seeing your snail enjoying yourself, the feeling may in a sense 'spill over into you'. It is somewhat like seeing a happy person and then feeling happy yourself, or seeing a sad person and becoming sad! Empathy is seen in many species, and is something that helps individuals get along - imagine if it did not exist at all!

    Another answer is that the snail may have come to represent to you some idealised or even romanticised state of being, e.g. representing peacefulness, purpose, even intelligence and harmony. If you should feel that things are difficult in your life, you might wish for what seems to be a trouble free existence! These are sadly the only explanations I can think of off the back of my hand, although there may be several others.

    * apologies if I am mixing up sympathy and empathy

  10. what mind?!

  11. you and your pet snail ,may or may not win a fabulous cash reward!

    anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.

  12. Little is known about the snail, except for the fact that ALL of our presidents have admitted to at least SEEING a snail. Belittle me if you wish, but when have you seen bureaucracy move efficiently.

    As far as eating college they had these brownies...

  13. Man I hope you got a leash on that thing!!!

  14. Your pet snail wants you to go to the nearest shrink and get help.  And while you are there, it wants you to bring home some salt to pour over it so it can lose weight.  It's tried all kinds of diets and nothing seems to work.

  15. Your snail is probably actually a small dog and the grass is probably marijuana. This would probably explain everything that is going on.

    Either that or your house is haunted.

  16. Oh absolutely! Not only your mind but your body will soon transform.  Beware...You're going to develop snail goo too.


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