
Can my physician write a note for me to get out of jury duty?

by  |  earlier

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I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder a few years ago and the past year or so I've had anxiety when I go around people I don't know. I'm prescribed medication for the problems.

I am not going to a psych. at the moment and I recently got a jury duty summons. Do I need a psych. to write the note or can my physician do it for me? He's the one who writes me prescriptions.

Anyway, I don't think I'd be a good juror because of the anxiety I get when I'm in public places and around people I don't know. I don't feel I'd be reliable.




  1. The judge doesn't have to accept it but it is a good bet he will.

  2. I know that you would serve if you could. Ask your physician, you may have to make an appointment with a psych, who knows. Worst case scenario, during voir dere you can tell the lawyers and they will probably let you go. The judge might question you, just be honest.

  3. I think that to serve on jury duty is good, but every one seems to want to get out of it. Here is one thing that you can do, go to the court house on the day you are supposed to go and do what they tell you to. If you are not picked for a jury, you can go home and they won't bother you for 3 years. If you are picked for a jury, give the judge your note and chances are you will be disqualified. If you are disqualified you can be called again anytime. You will be given a certificate of trial juror service, don't lose it, if they should call you again within the 3 year period, all you have to do is show them the certificate and you are excused, but I still think it an honor to serve.

  4. Have your doctor write a letter to the judge and ask him to be dismissed because of a medical problem. Usually that is all it takes!

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