
Can my rat have company at this age?

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I've had my rat for my rat is now 1 and a half years old and she lives on her own. I made the common mistake of getting her on her own but she is always bored because I never have the time to spend with her. All websites tell me that she should have been bought with a friend, but can I buy a new rat to spend time with her now? PLEASE HELP!! Thankyou




  1. Easiest way to introduce a new rat is in a bathtub. Neither rats owns that territorry so they are not likely to fight to defend it. Female rats are more likely to be accepting of new rats than males. I suggest getting a baby. One that is only about 6 to 8 weeks old. The babies tend to be more submissive to the adult and the female will be more mothering to the baby. You definatly should get her a friend though. Good luck.

  2. yes my cuz did the samething just u have 2 keep them with u 4 1 day so they don't fight adn always keep an eye ontheme once and awhile

  3. Young rats introduce better to older rats. Older rats rarely kill youngsters, unless your rat is really antisocial. The problem is, when she dies, the youngster won't have a companion. The solution: two young rats introduce better than one.

    I prefer the cage within a cage intro method- new rat in a small holding cage withing the older rat's cage so they can sniff but not fight. This method along with the bathtub intros is a good way to go.

  4. Dear Rodent Friend Inquirer,

    Well, here's the thing. It's possible that she will accept the new rat, and it's possible that she won't. Be prepared for both.

    I would try it out, because if she does, it can be an excellent tool for your existing rat, because she is quite bored. The rumor is right, you should've bought a friend with her.

    Try it out, but if she doesn't accept the new rat, and they fight, you should definitely separate them. I hope you don't mind two rats!

    Also, they need to be the same gender, so female,

    Pet Rodent Expert

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