
Can my seat still change on the plane. right i have a seat assigned on the plane.?

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Can my seat still change on the plane. right i have a seat assigned on the plane.?




  1. Of course.  If you check in via one of the kiosks and there are open seats, it will actually give you an option to change your seat.  If you check in at the counter, just ask the agent.  

  2. Your question is a bit confusing.

    But yes, you can change your seat, that's if there are other empty spaces. You could ask the person at the check-in counter if they have any empty seat and you could ask for a change. If there is none, you could ask the person sitting in the seat you want. but be nice!

  3. if there are any open seats on the plane, i dont see a problem with you switching seats. but if it is full, then you are at the mercy of the other can ask them if they would like to switch seats with you, but dont count on it.

    but if you are asking if your seat will be changed when you dont want it to, then no, most likely no unless the flight attentant needs you to move to help a child and parent sit together, or some other similar situation.

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