
Can my snake see colored lights?

by  |  earlier

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i would like to know if my snake can see red or green light i was told they are color blind.i have lots of ?s how do you tell if your snake has rot mouth. if you are in an warm inviorment do you still need an sorce of heat? how can i get my boa to eat?




  1. boa's do see in thermal. Whether they see in color i think is debatable but this website may help. They apparently say that boa's see in color. Rot mouth, you'll see the rot or crusting along the mouth, you won't be able to miss it. If you live in a warm environment, you may not need heat. IF your home is 90 degrees, you probably woulnd't need a heat source. It may be a good idea to hook up a regular light bulb to give the appearance of a day. Just keep the snakes cage at the appropriate temperature, that's all. All you need to do to get your boa to eat is give it a appropriate sized rat or mouse. If it is not heating, there may be a problem w/ anything from heat to illness or the size of it's cage. You may want to go to your local library or search the net for boa information. people on here don't always have the brightest ideas.

  2. Snakes cant see they use their sense of sound! I dont know how to tell if ur snake has rot mouth. Yes u need a source of heat like a heat lamp and probably a heat rock. You might need to take your boa to a vet !

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