
Can my son schedule and pay for my airline ticket. He lives in Chicago, I am in California?

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My Son wants to give me a gift of an airline ticket for christmas this year. To come see him and his family. Can he do this or do I have to pay for my ticket and he must reimburse me




  1. He can purchase the ticket for you. It will most probably be an e-ticket (electronic), so all he needs to give you is the reservation number and the flight information (airline and flight time). When you get to the airport, you will be asked for your ID and/or the reservation number. That's all.

  2. Of course he can! What a wonderful gift!!  He may purchase the ticket online.  They will give him an Eticket or he can have the tickets waiting for you at the gate.  I like to have my tickets waiting at the gate.  The benefits with eticket is he can reprint the ticket if he has to.  They will also email him your itinarary (I know its spelled wrong lol)

    Have fun and safe flying!  

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