
Can my taxes and wages be garnished if i wasn't a high school graduate at the times i obtained the loans.?

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Am I able to object to garnishments if I didn't have a ged or high school diploma at the time. Can't i argue that i wasn't eligible to receive it by state standards




  1. Uh, no.

    As long as you signed the promissory note, you are committed to pay for the loan.

    Are you really asking "If I fraudulently obtained my student loans by lying on the applications, does this allow me to exploit some kind of legal loophole to get out of my debts"?

    The only way you'll get out of your legal debt is if you can demonstrate that you were insane at the time you signed the promissory note. If you haven't been adjudicated as insane, you could always claim that the lender had reason to know that you were insane when you signed the agreement.

    Don't even ask if you can get out of a loan agreement you signed when you were a minor - once you have reached the age of majority, you no longer have any right to void an agreement you signed as a minor.

    No, I'm afraid that, like anyone else who borrowed recklessly, you're on the hook to pay back this loan. There is no lawyer or judge who can rescue you.

    Good luck

  2. Were the loans dispersed?  

    What I'm shocked at is that a college let you start without proof of graduation or GED.

    If the loan was paid out and you benefited from it (attended school) you are responsible for paying it back.

    If you have defaulted on the payments garnishment is a possibility and quite legal, I assure you.

    You have no argument for obtaining a loan and defaulting on payment.

    If this is the case (default) you need to call the lender or collection agency and make arrangements to start paying on it.  It's already on your credit report as a negative mark.

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