
Can my teacher still make me take my nose stud out if I'm Pagan?

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answers asap please? (: ty so much




  1. Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray, but they wouldn't let me take random breaks at my pleasure.

  2. I'm not aware of any religious significance to nose rings.

  3. Well unless you have a legitimate reason for why a nose stud if vital to you being a Pagan, then yes.

    Some students are not allowed to wear religious t-shirts or anything religious. It is amazing how some people don't think that the rules limiting christians won't soon trickle down to them.  

  4. As i explained in another thread many pagan 'beliefs' are made up, they religions they claim to portray were pre historic and hence the current version is not really a religion.

    In that sense many Pagan 'rites' are not rites just ritual and have no protection in law, so yes, nose stud out.

  5. Sure, it's your teacher. School isn't a teenagers anarchial utopia, it's school.

    You can be a pagan after school. School is not for religion.  

  6. ONLY if it is specifically indicated in your school districts Dress Code that a nose piercing is not allowed.  We have a pretty strick dress code in our school district but I don't think that is in there.  CHECK with your district.  They had to give your household a District Dress Code at the start of every new school year. Check it out.

  7. If the stud is violating the dress code, you have no say here.

    If the stud is not, take it up with the principal.

    If you are a member of a Pagan religion that requires body modification, simply show us evidence thereof and we'll help you.

    Saying something is religious because you want a special right is lying.

    Edit: Okay, then don't go to that school. Go to one without a dress code. No one is forcing you to go to that school. Your parents are required to get you schooling, not schooling at that school. I sure mom and dad can send you to a school with a different dress code once you explain you (snort) reasoned dissent (snort) from the one you're at now.

  8. Really, they can do that at all? I didn't think that was an option. Wow, that is shocking, they could not even do that when I was in high school 20 years ago. I do live in Canada, may be a bit different.

  9. I don't believe that they can do this because what if the Teacher did not like your earrings - they would not be able to make you take those off.  The same would apply to rings.  I believe that is a personal choice.  

    This being said however, if your nose ring (or any other jewelry) is offensive because it is sexual or racist in some way, then yes, the school can make you take your nose ring out.  Of course, this also applies to clothes.

    I don't believe that your nose ring violates any schools' dress code.  If that is the case, however, I would question then that no one else in the school could or should be able to wear any jewelry either.

    By the way, I'm a Pagan and have been for 25 years.  I've never heard of a nose ring being strictly for Pagans.  I think that you may have this point confused.

    I'm sorry that you are having such a problem in school, especially at the beginning of a new year, but I'm sure with a bit of compromising on both ends (the school's and yours), everything will work out just fine.

    Have a lovely rest of the day.  Bright Blessings.

  10. Yes, she can, if nose studs are not allowed at school

    Since when have pagans been obliged to wear nose studs?

  11. If you are really into facial piercings, I'll let you try to pet my pit bull dog. He'll fix you up in no time.

  12. only if they take the muslims' turban , or that scarf the girls wear, off too

  13. Let us see, you claim to be a Pagan. And you also claim that nose stud is something that is Pagan.

    Can you name me WHICH religion under the Pagan umbrella states that nose stud is part of its dress code?

    Unless of course it is your own path which then you have to state it is your own path. It is still legitimately Pagan, just not one of the religions.

    Because I can tell you that it is definitely not NeoWicca, it is definitely not Wicca, it is definitely not Asatru, it is definitely not Druid, it is definitely not Hellenismos or Celtic Recon or Kemetic. The few Dianics I know think nose studs should be banned.

    As for why you cannot have nose studs, the answer is simple, if it is in the school rules you cannot have nose studs and it is clearly stated it should not be worn then please obey the school rules.

    What you do outside school is your business but when you are in school follow the rules.

    You do know that most schools create rules via school boards so by you disobeying school rules you dishonoring your elders .. which is something that flies in the face of nearly all the Pagan religions. Most Pagan religions tell us to give respect to our elders. If we have something we disagree with our elders we should discuss with them.

    You are lucky your teacher is not a Pagan. One of my friend is a high school teacher and a few of her students came into class dressed funny and odd. They told her that it is Pagan.

    Unfortunately for them she is a Druid and has been leading a grove for 20 years and knows many many Wiccans upon which she asked them exactly which Pagan religion it belongs to.

    When they said Wicca. she turned to the next class and lo behold got a Gardnerian High Priestess in the form of a very strict ( and fierce ) English teacher staring deplorably at them.

    Within five minutes they came back to class stud free, earring free, funny necklaces free.  

  14. You could attempt to make an assertion that it is a piece of religious jewelry required by the strictures of your religion, but I wouldn't pull that line unless it seriously was -- and I don't know any religion that uses such jewelry.

    Remember that to invoke religious right, a garment or behavior must be OBLIGATED by one's religion, not simply permitted or even recommended.

  15. Paganism has nothing at all to do with body adornment. Do as your teacher says and stop trying to bastardize our beliefs....

  16. Yes, there are no pagan religions I'm aware of that dictate that you must have a nose piercing as part of the faith itself even if its common in one of the cultures the particular group originated from.  Thus it doesn't fall inside the realm of religious freedom.  Your chances of contesting it probably are much higher on the freedom of speech ground... although you'd have to have the finances or backing to take it up at least a few levels in the court system to have any hope of changing the policy.

  17. If it goes against the school's dress code... yep.

  18. First of all, what religion are you? Pagan is a term used by christans during the crusades for non-christans.

    Since when does a religion require you to wear metal in your nose?

    Is your stud metal or diaomond. If its showy, get out of here.

    If you go to a private school, they dont have to respect many freedom of speech rights. If your in a public school with no dress code, you should be able to wear it. If your in a school with a dress code, i suggest you change schools if you really wanna keep that metal in your nose

  19. yes if it is against a dress code.

  20. if your RELIGION cannot prove you are going to better the world,., it is like saying killing people is good,., nose studds are not good for people in general it has not been proved to be like judasim so try if you want! i think it would make us all feel better like a stitch after colon canser replacmenrt

  21. Only if it's against school dress code.

  22. Yes, if nose studs violate the school dress code.

    Your freedom of religious expression does not overrule the school board's right to create an environment conducive to learning.

  23. Yep. Your religion does not make you exempt from obeying the dress code. If you don't like it, homeschool. You may as well get used to rules. You'll be following them for the rest of your life. My advice is that you pick your battles. It is a jewlery issue. Get over it.  

  24. yes..

  25. Yup.

    There's no recognized religions that require nose-studs.  

  26. Life isn't all about you.  Being pagan has nothing to do with a nose stud.  Clearly you're not doing as much studying as you claim to be.

    It is breaking the rules.  That is hurting people who follow your example and think that breaking the rules is okay.  It is not suitable for school because it is against the dress code.  It is offensive that you somehow equate being a rule-breaker, self-centered and self-indulgent with being pagan.

    You're a walking talking contradiction.

  27. A Hindu Indian woman won the right to wear a nose stud at work in UK. Look up her case on the net. I think she worked for the London Airport.  

  28. is for study,not statements of "who you are"Just shut up and crack a book already

  29. They can only make anyone take something off if it violates the school's dress code or any kind of other rules.

    But really, being Pagan has NOTHING to do with this issue. It's merely a question of following rules, not of faith. so get over it and take the dang thing out. They're nasty anyway.

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