
Can my thoughts and day dreams be the cause of my almost withdrawing?

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Well if you watched onegai teacher, you'd understand easy.

But so many thoughts come into my mind and then I feel like I'm withdrawing and sometimes almost well knock out. Happend quite a few times ever since I started day dreaming which automatically occurs when I start thinking about something. I easily get lost in the matter...

It all started when I had to withdraw myself from everyone in 8th grade because I was becoming something I was not and everyone hated me then so I withdrew and they all liked me again even though I rarely spoke. Thinking kept me occupied so I managed and now I just dream and I could make it feel so realistic at times.

You'll notice me half the time lost in my own little world you could say usually staring blank into space not making a peep.

I don't even understand how I made so many friends in my position.... of course i'm a very shy person anyways so usually I do just avoid people... uh yeah. Well?




  1. yeah, i do the same thing. if you take a look at my dreams, they're pretty insane. my thoughts are pretty out there, too, though not as, um, graphic.

    take a personality test. seriously. the blogthings one actually works, i'm surprised to say, and i've found a bunch of people who are similar to me through it.

    yeah, i think that the thoughts that you have might be a part of it, but not the cause...perhaps you'd find the cause if you thought more, but that would be circular.

    you could also read a book i know.

    "please understand me II" -- david kiersey

    i don't know if you like reading, but i loved that book. it's like my bible.

    by the way- if you do end up interested in all this stuff, my type happens to be infj.

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