
Can my wife give up her custody of are child to her adopted parents with out my consent ?

by  |  earlier

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my wife ran out of my daughters life 4 months ago and now she is trying to give her hafe of custody to my in-laws is this legal




  1. i don't think so, but i have no idea.  seek legal council immediately.

  2. NO not if you also have custody.. you would be notified first and given the option to take your child. apply for  teporary custody because in the state of n.j if thats where you r... there is no such thing a full permenant custody. if your a good father and can support and provide for your child... there will be no problem.

  3. Get a lawyer, she cannot relinquish custody without your consent each state is different so get some legal advice

  4. i don't think it works like that the only way you can give someone else other than the parents custody is if both of you gave up your parental rights, it can't go just half-ways, but either way get a lawyer involved if you can't afford one try going to legal-aid.

  5. You need a lawyer now.  If you can't afford one, call your local bar association and explain the situation.

    I don't think custody is transferable that way.  If she doesn't want to assert her right to her daughter, then you may step forward and be her sole parent.  If the grandparents want to see their granddaughter, you may of course let them if you like (and I could think of reasons why you might want to), but they can't step in and become the other half of your parenting unit.

    If they simply say they can, then they are trying to intimidate you.  Grandparents often go to family court to sue for visitation or something like that, but it's done by the court, it is not automatic.

    It sounds to me as though you should go to family court and apply for sole custody based on your wife's abandonment.  It doesn't cost anything, you don't need representation, and the divorce can wait.  Then you'll know where you stand.

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