
Can new technologies become oppressive of individual liberties??

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Can new technologies become oppressive of individual liberties??




  1. No.

  2. The first stone ax impinged on someones individual liberty, though it could be put to other purposes.

    Technologies, in and of themselves, can be put to no use without human agency.

  3. We don't want to go back to the stone age! experiment and control ,that's the answer.

  4. Yes, absolutely.  The first hominid that used a rock to break a scavenged bone & reach the marrow started this stuff.  Either it, or one of the offspring, decided this rock could be used to impose their will on others.  

    Many of those working on nuclear fission saw this as an almost unlimited source of energy, not a weapon of war.  Any scientific advance will eventually be used to control people to some degree.  An old saying in the field of engineering is, "nothing can be made foolproof, fools are just too ingenius."

    Name any liberty you value and I can come up with some reason to deny you that liberty. Most of the reasons will be to ensure your safety, society's safety or the safety of your children.  People are always willing to trade freedom for security & that is how dictatorships come into being.

  5. Yes - CCTV for example.

  6. Speak as you eat!!!!

  7. yes they can, they can be used to take away your privacy.

    like the new systems they will soon be using to tax your car for every mile it does( UK only) not only will they be watching how many miles you do, but they can tell how fast you drove and if you speed then they will send you a fine in the post.

    think about it, if you stop on yellow lines just to post a letter, they will know and fine you.

    if you drive your car when the M.O.T has run out or the insurance has lapsed they will know coz its all on computer and you will be done.

    its just getting more and more like Big Brother, and that's just car drivers.

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