
Can nipples cut glass?

by Guest65202  |  earlier

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  1. i've heard that saying.

    but i always say nipples can cut ice.

    ice is way more realistic than glass. haha

  2. Its an over exaggerated expression to emphasis how cold it it.

  3. oh dude yes the answer is yes. a robber broke into my house once by cutting a small hole into the window next to my door with his nipples then he stuck his hand through to unlock the door!

  4. What do you mean can nipples cut glass? If you mean can human nipples, which of course are made out of skin and tissue, cut glass, which is a hard, brittle solid then yes they can of course. LMAO

    You're either a dumbass or a pervert

  5. I apologize for the clarity an' all . . . IT'S A RHETORICAL STATEMENT!

  6. Well, apparently Ella Fitzgerald shattered a glass with her voice, so... I don't see why, somehow, somebody couldn't cut glass with their nipples. Especially someone like Pamela Anderson. There's so much synthetics in those things, I wouldn't be surprised if they shot lasers when they're too cold!
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