
Can non yahoo email address holders join my family yahoo group? How?

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Can non yahoo email address holders join my family yahoo group? How?




  1. Yes. They would be email list only members meaning they could send and receive emails to and from your family group but would not be able to sign in to your group and use all the features.  If they register with Yahoo and join your group, they would not be limited to only send/receive messages.

  2. Yahoo! Groups allows you to link up to 5 email addresses to your Yahoo! ID. Any email address you wish to use must be listed as an alternate email address in your Yahoo! Account Information and must be verified. Use the Membership Wizard to assist you. Click Add new email address if you do not see it listed.

  3. send non Yahoo ID users an invite- there will be 2 options to join- with or w/o ID


    How do I join a group?

    1) Once you’ve located a group to join (at, you can browse the Groups directory or search for a group by topic), click Join This Group in the upper-right corner of the group’s page.

    2) Haven’t signed in yet? You’ll be asked to enter your Yahoo! ID. If you don’t have one, register by clicking Sign Up at the top of the page.

    3) Set your membership preferences. Choose a profile you'd like to display to the group, select the email address at which you'd like to receive group messages, choose how you receive group messages, and more.

    Join the mailing list only:

    Yahoo! Groups recommends that you join a group via the group’s page (above). But if you want, you can simply sign up for the mailing list for the group. When you’re only on the mailing list, you don’t get access to all the group's web features (Photos, Files, Links, Polls, Calendar.)

    To subscribe to a group's mailing list via email, send a blank email to:

    Make sure to replace "groupname" with the actual name of the group (e.g.,

    When you get the confirmation message, just reply to it…and your subscription will be complete!

    Respond to an invitation to join:

    If someone sent you an email invitation to join a group (and you’d like to join), click Join this group!

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