
Can not believe it. I have an annoying room mate.?

by  |  earlier

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She walks around the room naked, lays on my bed, throws her underwear at me and at night I hear her doing herself. She makes no effort at being quiet at it either. She has done it every night since we started. The bad thing is I have gotten caught up in it and have started doing it also. I figure if she can I can. Problem is when I get going I can hear her stop, then start again. Should I move out before we get into something because she makes me want to do something. Should I give in or move out.




  1. Move out before that something happens and you are stuck with it for life.

  2. I think she has the hots for you. Unless you want something to happen between the two of you, I would move out

  3. Someone this out of control is not going to change their ways.

    Take to the housing manager or apartment manager, request an immediate change, and move out pronto.

  4. that's a very strange behavior as a roommate...  to me, being a roommate is a business transaction.  be courteous to each other, be proper, have some manners, pay rent on time etc etc.  but sounds like you want to stick around to see what might happen.  

  5. Shes probably trying to turn you on. you should ****. It would be hot. Since you're all alone and all.

  6. sounds like you want something to happen do what you want just be prepared for what may happen

  7. give in and tell me about how it went.

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