
Can not paying car insurance on time affect my credit?

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last couple of months ive been slacking and paid my bill a couple weeks late, does this mean anything?




  1. probably not.  But if you are ever cancelled for non payment it will be reported to credit agencies and sent out for collection.  So do make sure you make your payments!  

    Also, it can affect your credit with the insurer.  They note each time it is late and it doesn't help you in your relations with them.  

    Hope that helps.

  2. Nope, it won't affect it at all.

  3. Usually you don't get reported for less than 30 days late. You need to be careful with car insurance though, because it sucks to find out you didn't notice that cancellation letter in the mail until after you are in an accident.

  4. Based upon others judgement will not get the wise decision.However,other's suggestion might be helpful.Here is a good resource for the question.

  5. Sure.

    It means your insurance will lapse - or worse yet, cancel so that if you have an  accident you have no coverage.    Then if you have a wreck, you will be held personally responsible for any damage/injury you incur as well as any damage/injury the other person incurs.  

    You can't pay after the fact and back date your insurance to cover a wreck.

    That can put quite a hurt on your credit.

  6. Yes it affects your credit rating, as do being late on utility bills.

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