
Can not turn off engine with key key will not come out on 2000 chevy blazer

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Can not turn off engine with key key will not come out on 2000 chevy blazer




  1. POP HOOD OPEN , VAN YOU SEE YOUR DISTRIBUTER?  THE THING WITH ALL THE SPARKPLUG WIRES.  THERE SHOULD BE A COUPLE WIRES ON THE SIDE . UNPLUG THEM.    oooooooooRRRRR  open up fuse panel . there is one inside and one under hood and remove ignition or ecu fuse.     after yoiu get it off. time for a new ignition switch and or key

  2. have you tried disconnecting the battery..

  3. Your car has to be in park for the key to come out. There might be something wrong with the shifter.  

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