
Can not wearing a bra cause breast cancer?

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what else causes breast cancer?




  1. Nope.

  2. If not wearing a bra caused breast cancer, it would have killed every woman who was alive before the bra was invented.

  3. No.

    There are a number of urban myths concerning breast cancer and bras, and this one is just as untrue as the rest - .you can't get breast cancer by sleeping in a bra, or wearing a bra all day either, or from wearing a badly-fitting bra, or an underwired bra or any kind of bra at all.

    Cancer, including breast cancer, happens when normal cells change so that they grow in an uncontrolled way. This uncontrolled growth causes a tumour to form. Your underwear can't trigger this process, and has no effect on it.

    To your second question - nobody knows what causes breast cancer.

    The biggest risk factor, after being female, is getting older - 80% of people diagnosed with breast cancer are over 50, and it's rare in women under 40.

    5 - 10% of breast cancer cases are hereditary.

    There are other risk factors (none of them involving bras) but they ARE only risk factors - ticking one, some or all these boxes does not mean you will get breast cancer, and many people who are diagnosed with breast cancer have none of these risk factors:

    Having children at an older age or not at all. The more children a woman has may also slightly lower her risk. Breast-feeding helps protect against the disease. The longer a woman breast feeds her children, the more she lowers her risk.

    Starting periods at a younger than average age (under 12) or having a late menopause (after 55)

    Taking the contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) causes a small increase in risk. However, the risk gradually returns to normal after you stop taking them.

    Being overweight (especially after the menopause).

    Regularly drinking more than 1 unit of alcohol per day slightly increases the risk of breast cancer.

    Having a previous diagnosis of breast cancer increases the risk of developing a new cancer in the other breast.

  4. accualy i think i heard wearing one can.. and alot depends of breat cancer.. cancer and a mass production of cell that build up.... hormones play a huge part in it... what ur exposes to chemical wise... history of the cancer in the family... genetic... alot can cause cancer.....

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