
Can obese people go on slip n slides?

by  |  earlier

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I'm really serious. I'm hanging out with my friend over the weekend, and she is fat or obese or how ever you would put it, and i am wondering if it will work for her. I'm not being mean, I just don't want to set the slip n slide up, and then make her feel bad about herself because it might now work out for her. And when i say 'work', I mean does she slide all the way to the end or close to the end. Otherwise, I will feel bad suggesting to go on the slip n slide.

Oh, and I'm not a 10 year old girl asking this, I'm 15 and i honestly think that slip n slides are well fun.




  1. Yes it will work. That's is actually very considerate of you to ask this question. You are keeping her feelings in mind. This is what I would do, put a bunch of dish soap on the slip n slide and that makes it easier to go down and you get a lot more speed. Also if you have a skimboard those are fun to go down with to. But you could just ask her what she wants to do. If she says no to the idea then you may realize she is uncomfortable doing it. But I think she would be absolutely fine. Have fun!

    Hope this helps! :)

    (and yes slip n slides are fun no matter how old you are!)

  2. ouch idrink  , well I think it would work. You always see those retarded videos of stupid adults doing the slip n slides and completely embarrassing themselves because they kept on sliding even when it ended, and they aren't the skinniest things so........        

    anyways you should go for it!

  3. are well fun?....RAHFUL......uhm... no I wouldn't try u should tell her maybe if she loses weight she can have fun.....JK of course it'll work just.... u know..... lube it up or something and tell her to run really fast ;D

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