
Can olympic medals be sold?

by Guest66024  |  earlier

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Can the athlete who won the medal sell it, or is that against the IOC rules and only the family can see it after the athlete has passed on?




  1. anyone want to buy a bronze medal?

  2. There have been a couple go to auction for great amounts but usually quite a while after the athlete has passed away. In the same fashion as bats, racquets etc.. In most cases it has been for charity events I think.

  3. They can sell it. Some girl sold her gold metal after last olympics and donated all of the money she got from it to some charity. That was pretty respectable I thought...

  4. Yes,

    For two answers above me,

    The girl who auctioned it off before having her brother killed was Polish swimmer Otylia Jedrzejczak

    In the last Olympics,

    Otylia Jedrzejczak sold her gold medal and gave all of the money to a charity :]

  5. i guess but they would have to be mental to sell that. that medal is PRICELESS

  6. I don't see why not...

  7. Yes that one girl swimmer auctioned hers off for a childrens cancer hospital. It was the same girl whose brother was killed when she was speeding.

  8. I sold mine.

  9. Yes, there have been numerous instances of which athletes sell medals for charitable purposes.

  10. The actual medal, sure, but it doesn't take away from the person who has actually won the gold. The winner of the event will always remembered as the true holder of the gold.

  11. yup they can i'm not sure who it is but someone sold their gold medal and donated money to a hospital so ya they're allowed it's their medal they can do whatever they want with it

  12. yes but i dont know why anyone would sell a olympic medal

  13. Yes. See E-Bay.

  14. why would they WANT to sell it?

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