
Can one be a Christian AND a Scientologist or are the two incompatible?

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Can one be a Christian AND a Scientologist or are the two incompatible?




  1. Yes they are incompatible. Scientology is a Ponzi scheme akin to Amway, with some Extraterrestrial beliefs mixed in.

  2. no you cant

  3. nope, you have to pick one.

  4. Considering their respective mythology bases have nothing in common, they're rather incompatible, yes.

  5. The more pertinent question is can one be intelligent and a Scientologist?

  6. Yeaaah! ? !

    Scientologists beleive we are decendents of Aliens! And whats this no noise during pregnancy c**p... written by man...again!

  7. They are like oil and water, they can't mix.

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