
Can one change from being on a student visa to settlement in the uk,if so what is the best way to do it.?

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Can one change from being on a student visa to settlement in the uk,if so what is the best way to do it.?




  1. The answer is that you cannot. There is a possible route to settlement, but it takes several years.The route is through the Graduate employment scheme. The basis of that is that every international student who studies at a UK university and graduates with at least a batchelor's degree ,can apply for a one year work permit under the Graduate Employment scheme. At the end of that year, graduate who can satisfy certain requirements may apply to stay for a further period of two years. The graduate must be able to satisfy the requirements of our new points-based system for highly skilled migrants. Apart from educational requirements, there is an element that awards points providing a certain minimum amount of money has been earned in any 12 moths of the 15 month period immediately before application is foiled. There is also an element based on age.If you are successful and receive an extension work permit, you will be able to renew that too, and after a period which is at present 5 yeasrs, apply for indefinite leave to remain  and then you will not be subject to any further requirement for vis or work permit.

    This is just the bare bones.I have given you two links below. The first is the official UK government site giving details of the highly skilled worker scheme.

    Then there is a link to a self assessment page, where you cana have a go at inserting some details to see how many points you can get. Of course, you can put in whatr you EXPECT to get late!.

    On the same pages you will find links to the International Graduates Scheme, but this is at present in a transitional state as it will be replaced by a similar scheme for those who graduate in the UK.

    I hope this is of some use to you.

    Good luck!

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