
Can one have two passports with the same picture, DOB and first name, but with different surnames names?

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Can one have two passports with the same picture, DOB and first name, but with different surnames names?




  1. No. You can have two passports but both have to be for the same name. You cannot have two passports with different names.

  2. why would one want one? by the way is one the queen? because one does not usually say one in this century!

  3. If you are asking this due to marriage, then you can still travel with your old passport if it is still in your maiden name as long as you take your marriage certificate with you.

  4. Yes if you get married.

  5. Living in Northern Ireland, we can have a British passport and an Irish passport - my wife has the British passport still in her maiden name, but her Irish one in her married name.  So it is possible, although I don't know how it would work outside of dual nationality

  6. Only if one is a fraudulent copy!

  7. yeah if you pay some one enough money

  8. Yes but one would need to be out of date (in the UK), assuming name changed for marriage

  9. The only reason you can have two passports is if you have dual nationality. And they must be in the same name

  10. no..u cant have 2 passports..its illegal... if the surname has changed after mariage the same gets endorsed on the old passport or u have to surrender the old and get a new one....


  11. no

  12. Yes. i do ..

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