
Can one person protect the environment?

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i was just wondering, what do you think? Do you believe that one person can encourage or get enough people to protect our environment?




  1. Yes. President of USA can, if he wants. But the present man doesn't.

  2. Nobody has yet but if you try I bet you can make a big difference.

  3. If Al Gore tried and failed, I shudder to think what might happen to someone else.

  4. yes but u had to demote your life to protect the environment.

    but it best to get more help the better!

  5. Actually yes, and as soon as I sew these tights and screen print a tree on my cape I will be there whenever you need me.

    Definitely. All it takes is one person to find the right group in his or her small town and make a difference there. Then that momentum can carry into larger and larger changes. Bring people together.

  6. No but they can help.

  7. YES!!! The changes one person makes can start a chain reaction. Do some research and find recycling areas in your community. You can also pick up trash while walking to school/ work. Use power saving light bulbs, become a vegetarian. There are so many ways an individual can make a difference. Good Luck!!!

  8. NO WAY MANN!!   unless yuw get loadsa people

  9. I think lots of individual have made really significant differences in protecting the environment.  Some examples are Rachel Carson and David Suzuki.  But, groups of people working together can also be very successful.

  10. Sure. Start with your lightbulbs. Check out the link below about easy ways you can decrease carbon emissions.

    Oh, I just remembered this guy - Armory Lovins - I read about him here.

  11. if every person made just one change for the better think how many changes that would make!!

  12. Ask Al Gore, because he is pushing the GW concept more then anyone, and is making millions doing it. While spewing a CO2 footprint bigger then many small cities. And after doing all that work convincing the weak minded that man can affect the weather, a volcano erupts and destroys more ozone and emits more greenhouse gases  then all the cars and planes in the world. Maybe we should make a law against volcanoes or start a volcano tax.

  13. superman is our only hope.

  14. It depends what you mean by 'protect the environment'. If you are talking about global warming and the whole 'carbon footprint' thing then no, not one person or even the entire population of the world could help because it doesn't exist.

    If you mean less pollution including air pollution in built up areas and cities, finding alternative fuels and energy sources and protecting wildlife, then yes. One person can  start off a chain and more and more people will follow. It would be difficult but it is possible. I think most people instinctively will want to save energy and clean up pollution to save money and help protect their health.

    Cars are becoming more and more fuel efficient as technology progresses and most people will want their main car to get a lot of mpg. I think alternative fuels should start being introduced though as we will one day run out of fuel and the prices at the pump will keep going up and up.

    What we need is a government that is honest about environmental issues. If energy consumption is reduced then theoretically energy prices should be reduced too. If we are getting taxed more by the government for conserving energy, then you know for sure that they are using the whole 'climate change' subject as an excuse to increase and introduce more taxes.

    By increasing taxes, the government will not necessarily deter people from driving big cars and leaving their house lights on all night, they will just make it harder for the people to cope, and the end result will be a slow down in technology and production. A perfect example is this whole new 'low emission zone' in London. It is absolutely ridiculous and it will get worse over time. Soon we wont even be allowed to drive in London at all!

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