
Can one person really make a difference ?

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If an individual is struggling against the "mainstream norm", can that one individual impact the larger community ? are there examples of this from history ?




  1. Of course!

  2. Have you heard of the "ripple effect"?

    Example:  Martin Luther....the rebel Catholic priest that started the protestant revolution....

    Example:  Jesus you know how many people have followed Him through the ages?

    Example:  Those merchants in Boston...that threw the tea into the water...The Boston Tea Party.....Wow...

    Example:  Rosa Parks...little old Montgomery, AL who would not give up her seat to allow a white man to sit down.....

    Example:  Teachers...everyone...everyday....

    One person can do one small act of random kindness...that act can be multiplied over and over and over....

    We will never know the good...or the bad...we have done....through the "ripple effect" ...until we stand before God on the day of judgment.

  3. Whether it's a single, small episode in your community or thousands of people beyond your community, it's all a matter of perspective. The old adage that a butterfly's flutter in South America will have a ripple effect around the world is really hard to grasp, but it is so true.  One cannot get frustrated about your impact factor in the big picture because it is impossible to measure.  So the key is to be confident that the little things (or big things) you do each day, will have a ripple effect totally unknown to you.

    You want an example?  How about that guy in India who started a micro loan project to help women get a start in community businesses.  He didn't go into that for the big picture.  He did it to help a few women in his community.  Then it took off and has become a world renowned program.  I even think he got the Nobel prize for it.  So enjoy and be happy.

  4. Lots of military and political leaders have made a difference, but they really didn't really do it on their own. Someone had to empower them.

    For examples of people who have made a difference on their own, look at Thomas Edison and Andrew Carnegie.

    Talk about going against the "mainstream norm", look at  George Washington Carver.

    Bill Gates outlasted Lotus and Intel and has had a huge impact on everyday life, for better or worse.

    My vote would go to any mother or father who raises their children with unconditional love and instills in them honesty, morality and compassion for others

  5. Lots.

    Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Gengus Kahn to name a few.  

    There are few admirable ones too.

  6. Obviously YES!!!! Defying the status quo and actually doing something unique can impact the course of the planet and immortalize that person in the pages of history.

    Though not easy and very very hard (often called the road less traveled) has shaped the course of history. These people didnt want fame some just wanted to do something that they believe can help the world or their people.

  7. yes you can but you need training in smaller circles first

  8. Look at history: Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Cicero, Plato, Aristotle… just in ancient history alone you can see individuals changing and shaping the future of this world

  9. Watch the movie "Pay it Forward".   If we all did this we could change the world.

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