
Can one phone number be used for two different residences?

by  |  earlier

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Is there a service or type of phone line that allows this? Like if I call a number, two phones at different addresses will both ring. I know call forwarding works, but that's when no one picks up the first line and it gets redirected to the second. What if I wanted to be able to divert calls to a second residence? For instance, B isn't at home and A knows the call's for him (but doesn't necessarily have to pick up the phone) and wants to direct it to a number she knows B will have access to.

Thanks for answering!




  1. Through my cable companies phone service it's called "find me" where you call my house and my houes and cell ring at once. Whoever answers the call first got the call. I use it and love it. Never miss a call with out taking away the ability to  let it ring to the house and let grandma get her calls.

  2. no you can only have 1 number per rsidence and no 2 residences can have the same number

  3. I think you're looking at simultaneous ring feature!!

    I use this feature, it rings my home, my office, my Daughters house....and a residence in another State!!

    this feature is free from my provider.....I just love it, because I always forget to switch back and forth when I got home!!

    it also rings my where ever  you are, just pick up the phone!!

  4. You can do this using any of various VoIP services.

    The feature comes under various names, such as Call Hunting, Sequential Ring, or Simultaneous Ring, or Find Me service.

    What you would do is:

    Subscribe to a VoIP service that leases phone numbers (also called DIDs, for Direct Inbound Dialling number).

    Then have all calls to that number "forwarded" to your home phone number, AND any other numbers you want it forwarded to.  You can do this with Find-Me, Call Hunt, Simultaneous Ring, or Sequential Ring features.

    GrandCentral is a VoIP service that provides these functions. But GC is still in beta development and only issues limited phone numbers to limited area codes.

    Skype also has a Find-Me or Sequential Ring feature that you can link to your SkypeIN number.  You an link up to 3 phone numbers to your Skype account to link calls to.

    Also, InPhonex VoIP service provides all these features too.  (find link through my profile).  I am using that feature with InPhonex now.  When a call comes into my InPhonex DID number, it is forwarded  to ring two other phone numbers Simultaneously.   It can be set to ring Sequentially, too.  And, add more numbers that you wish to ring to, if desired.

    And, you don't actually have to have a PC connected or VoIP ATA box connected to use these features like most VoIP services.  

    Just set-up your account online.  Then configure your account to forward all calls for your VoIP DID to your regular telephone AND the other phone numbers you want to ring to.

    It's the best of both worlds....

  5. This sounds like the kind of thing that would help you

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