
Can one recover from memory loss after a Hypoglycemic seizures ? If so, then how long will it take ?

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A close relative after recoverying from the seizure seems to have forgotten occurrences in the last week and can't recall where they are !




  1. I am a paramedic and care for diabetics daily. 99% of the time they are back to their normal state before they leave our care. If it has been days and they are not back to their normal self there is an underlying cause. This person needs evaluation again.

  2. I'm diabetic for 10 yrs and have had some pretty bad reactions, one at an amusement park in which I could never recall what had happened to me right before I passed out.  I remember laying my head on my boyfriend's shoulder and leaning into him, next thing I knew I was lying on the floor holding onto one of those rope poles they use to section as area off.  I went into seizures and had been acting funny for quite some time that day (a med I took interfered with my insulin absorption I later learned).  People were talking and it sounded like what they said all ran together, like a wom wom wom sound.  I did remember everything else from the time though, just not what happened at my initial pass out.

  3. You sort of black out DURING the time you have the seizure, but don't lose memory of any times before that/after that...I would definitely have them re-evaluated in order to see if they have another condition.  Good luck!

  4. Yes but sometimes it takes a while. Should probably see a neurologist.

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