
Can one see God with physical eyes?

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Not in the heights of meditation, but can one see God with physical eyes on this physical plane? Are there any recorded incidents of such solidified visions?




  1. How do you make a Venetian blind?

    Poke him in the eyes!

  2. It depends what you believe God to be.  I believe that God is a power.  It's the power of love and goodness.  It doesn't really DO anything - It just IS.  We can use It to make our lives better.  The power of love and goodness (God) is available to everybody.  So - when I SEE somebody hug another person because they are feeling compassion and love for them - and they are CARING for them - that is GOD.  I see God.

    If you believe God to be a big Daddy in the sky that grants wishes and judges and punishes - then no - I don't think anybody has ever seen such a thing.


  3. God has never shown himself to any human, that includes Abraham or David, the bible says he talked to them trough angels that carried his massege. also the bible says that if a man sees God he will certainly die. i don't think a man can see God, because God will not show himself to kill people that way.  

  4. apparently in the bible some have seen god.

    but im pretty sure they were on shrooms. cause my friend who was on shrooms saw god too.

  5. No.  You need virtual eyes to see virtual beings.

  6. There are numerous examples in the Bible.

    Psalm 19:1

    The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

    In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...JESUS.

    God spoke everything into existence and I can see Him...I can see Him right here on this little tiny physical dot called earth.

  7. No,


  8. I've not seen any gods. I've not seen any ghost either.  I soon realised they're all imaginary,gods and ghosts.

  9. Not unless its an Avatar of God like Jesus etc. There are stories in Hindu puranas like that Lord Shiva manifests himself in the Earth.

    But everything in this world is within God anyway. Since all worlds were manifested out of God's devine love, anything that you look at lovingly becomes God.

  10. I can't top the first answer.

  11. Personally, I don't know if "God" exists, especially as he is often depicted (muscular and bearded) - but if God does exist I think God is more like manifestaions and universal law than anything else.

    So if one can sense what is here and the laws that govern it then for me that's God and I do see that kind of thing.

  12. People see me all the time and don`t even know it.

  13. That do not encompass the digestion of a tonne of drugs or in a time when people had no understanding of mental illness. No. Not at all.

    The most recent would be the Mormon Church and Smith's communing with God. What they fail to mention was that he partook in the Native American ritual ceremonies before these visions. Ceremonies that included the eating of various psychotropic drugs.

    This story is not an isolated one. Carlos Castaneda has a lifetime of these happenings. And a dozen books to his name outlining hos covversations with God while on peyote.

  14. no- one can only see god with imaginary eyes as that is where you will find he only exists.

  15. I always thought it was a Braille like thing, you can only feel his presence.

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