
Can one subwoofer hit hard?

by  |  earlier

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I just bought my friends sub with a custom made box and a 400 watt amp, and I'm putting it in my 05 mustang. Its only an 8 inch subwoofer but I already heard it in a truck. So does it hit harder, as hard, or less hard in my car because I have a trunk?




  1. it'll sound decent just set your eq's

  2. since the trunk is closed off, your not going to be able to hear it very well. especially since it is only 8''

  3. with being in an enclosed trunk it will more likely than not have less sound to you versus being outside the car, but if you tweek the amp right you could get it to sound somewhat decent, but in all recomendations i would say to upgrade to atleast a 10 inch sub, 8 inch subs are obsolete anymore anyways, unless its a high performance competion subwoofer, and in that case a 400 watt amp would hardly even push the sub, in any case, it will wind up being a downfall to you for any kind of a decent system

  4. It'll be quite a challenge to reproduce one single 8" in a car trunk environment compared to how it sounded in a truck.  Willing to bet the sub will hit less hard in a Mustang, but the difference won't be too severe.  If it doesn't live up to the billing, I'd sell the 8" and maybe move up to a single 10".  Sonically, that would be about the equivalent to what you heard in your buddy's truck.

  5. its not going to be bangin loud but never underestimate 8 in subs i used to have some orions and they were fairly loud  but if you want harder bass you will have to upgrade

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