
Can one use a card (Visa) to pay for public transport tickets in Berlin?

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Annoyingly, you can only pay with the EC card in many German shops. I am planning a trip to Berlin and would like to know how much cash I need: If I find a BVG counter at the airport, will they accept my Visa (US, debit)? It would be for a WelcomeCard or something similar if it matters. Thanks.




  1. Visa is accepted everywhere in  Europe

  2. First of all, check with your bank in general. I don't believe US debit (not credit) cards are acceptable in Europe. I believe that only credit cards are accepted.

    Except for that, the guy who gave you the full answer (that it is not possible with the BVG ticket) is right and I'd give him the best answer.

  3. Provided your bank allows pin transaction outside of your country.  It may or may not work.  If you live in the U.S.  Get a debit card that has a maestro symbol on it and make sure your bank will allow pin transaction outside of your country with that network.

    EC card now carry the maestro label.

    Germany is mostly a cash country.   There are a few places that accept Visa or MasterCard.  A lot use the EC card but not all.  However, there are atm that should take your card.


    The other poster does not know how are debit card system works.   Yes are debit card with a Mastercard and Visa symbol can be used in Europe.      However, the problem most merchants in Germany do not take credit cards but take EC card.    I read that the Electronic Cash system has merged with the Maestro system.  So international visitors could use their maestro card at places that take EC card.  

    Not all U.S. banks have the Maestro logo on them.   Those banks that do have the Maestro logo may have to be activated to be used in Germany.

  4. Berlin, great city! The EC card is quite annoying, but most places that accept EC accept debit cards too, therefore you can use your US Visa debit card, but remember the exchange rate, the dollar is quite weak to the euro. Great trip!

  5. NO.

    The two answers above are wrong. You can only pay cash or with the EC-Card at the machines or at the counter.

    A single trip ticket with the BVG costs 2,10 Euros.

    A seven day pass costs 25,40 Euros.

    Both rates are for the AB zone which includes the greater part of the city.

    The links shows an overview of the rates (in English).

    They also sell a Welcome Card which you can buy at the BVG counter or in one of the Tourist Information Centers.

    Unfortunately they don't say how much it is on the website.

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