
Can only students live in student private housing?

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If I were to rent a flat from a landlord who supplies private student housing, would my non-student partner be able to live with me?




  1. If a non student lives with students, it may be that more council tax has to be paid as well (as students can get away with it, or a chaeper rate or something). I looked at living with 4 students at one point, but it was an extra hundred or so a month because I had to pay the council tax (they were already living there, so wasn't really fair to make them start paying it).

  2. Usually no non students can only usually live with students if the property is for 'students and professionals'--- but its worth asking the landlord ... and if he says no...well what he doesnt know....

  3. Yes, but as the other poster says your partner would be liable for the council tax.

  4. Speak to the landlord.

    He is the one who makes his rules.

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