
Can orphan lambs at 3 months be given vegie scraps from the kitchen?

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Can orphan lambs at 3 months be given vegie scraps from the kitchen?




  1. Where did these lambs come from? and good for you for providing for these poor creatures.....i say yes...if they eat it...

  2. At 3 months, you should be in the process of weaning the lambs (I'm assuming they've been bottle fed or still given a replacer formula from a lamb bar?)  Small amounts of select vegetable scraps probably won't hurt them, but any new kind of food should be introduced gradually to prevent scours or bloat.  Foods to avoid - apples (seeds contain copper, which is toxic to sheep), cabbages, potato peels, iceberg lettuce.  Our sheep get turnip greens and amaranth, but really love triscuit crackers.  If you want to give them a healthy treat, they'll probably also like frosted mini wheats (which is a good source of fiber also).  

    The best source of nutrition you can give your lambs is some access to grazing pasture, hay, and most importantly, a balanced lamb feed.  There are several good brands at most feed stores, but look for a lamb grower mix, which will have a higher protein content that lambs need to develop properly.  I would also recommend looking for a medicated feed that helps treat coccidiosis.  Your lambs should be given an Ivomec sheep drench every 4-6 weeks during their first summer, as young lambs are very succeptible to worms, parasites and coccidiosis.

    Make sure they get their CDT shots as well - a lamb who has not nursed off of a vaccinated mother is left unprotected from several illnesses.  They should receive 2 injections 4 weeks apart to protect them, and updates on theses shots every spring.

    Hope this helps!

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