
Can over the counter drugs be addictive?

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Can over the counter drugs be addictive?




  1. I think to some extent yes they can be addictive either psychologically and although rarely, physically.

    For example if you become accustomed to taking a sleeping pill at night, the package says non-habit forming but you may notice you feel anxious about trying to fall asleep without the aid and find it more difficult then if you had never gotten used to taking the medication.

    Medications like Excedrin also contain caffeine which is physically addictive. (obviously not a concern unless you are the very rare person who does not consume caffeine in any other form)

    The human mind is a beast and we humans can pretty much get addicted to anything.

    And to throw into the mix just for funzies, the smoking cessation lozenges and gum are considered OTC medications and we all know how addicting nicotine is.

    In contrast I would think energy drinks like Red Bull and Monster pose a much higher 'addiction' risk then most OTC medications though.

  2. Not really, because if a drug is seen to cause addictive behavior, then it's usually re-classified as a medication requiring a prescription.

  3. I was married with two kids, when I got addicted to Beconase, nasal spray, but i didnt realise for several months that i was addicted.

    I started using it for relief, doctors reccommendation, then started buying it over the counter, i was using one a week when i finally realised i couldnt do without it.

    I stopped it immediately and am far more careful now, with "harmless" substances


  4. Concurring with avictor. Just one thing, substitute 'dependence' for your use of the word addiction. Addiction requires progressive abuse of the substance with consequences in other areas of the person's life.

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