
Can overdose panadol cause death?and what if it was taken with coke...panadol and drink coke at same time?

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as the topic is above please answer i really need it thank you.




  1. Guest56378

    I ate 7 tablets and im high as f**k weeeeeee a.k.a with soda

  2. i took 4 lemsip and 4 panodal extra tablets!! will i die from that??? :\

  3.  my girl friend take 5 panadol night it make any prob plz reply me as soon as you can what she do to relive 

  4.  my girl friend take 5 panadol night it make any prob plz reply me as soon as you can what she to relive 

  5. hi all, a friend of mine took 16 panadol with pepsi coz she wanted to do abortion now she is bleeding any one from medical tell me whether she has aborted or not? any side effects?

  6. With 24 Panadols u wont die...
    But It will definietely damage ur liver and u will get skinny...
    If u wnt to die there are other effectve ways of doing so.
    And by doing this u r the one whi's gonna suffr no one else...
    Imagine being in hospital for almost a week without even getting down from the bed,
    and being given some kind of special expensive vial medicine day and night!!!!!!!!!

  7. no..i don't think so..cause i already drank 18 panadol with coke but nothing happen at me...
    i'm still healthy...

  8. one night me and my friend took 22 each and it did nothing to us then about a week later we took another 44 and im still not dead that was about 2 months ago, the only thing it did was made me vomit all the next day, my body must be good at taking it! :D

  9. one night me and my friend took 22 each and it did nothing to us then about a week later we took another 44 and im still not dead that was about 2 months ago, the only thing it did was made me vomit all the next day, my body must be good at taking it! :D

  10. help me im thinkong bout taking 18 panadol im 20 weigh 53 will it kill me

  11. I just took 24 panadol tablets cause im sick of life

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