
Can ovulation test sticks determine if you are pregnant or not?

by  |  earlier

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One of my friends told me that they can but that (obviously) the accuracy isn't always 100%. We were curious and I had some left so I tried it out and two lines came up both just as bold like when you are ovulating, but I already ovulated a few weeks ago. 2 days after I got the two lines for ovulation I did another and I had one line and the other was very faint meaning that ovulation had taken place. I was curious.. have any of you heard anything like that?? I'm not really buying it.




  1. I tried the very same thing and got the results that you did. Unfortunately I am not pregnant, but you should definitely check out  It gives all the details about the OPK and HPT.

    The theory says yes, you can but you would have a positive HPT way before your OPK would be positive.  They measure two different hormones. Even though the LH and hCG may have some of the same properties, they are slightly different.

    Good Luck!

  2. as far as i know ovulation test cant determine if ur pregnant. they can only determine if ur ovulating so that u can try. two lines come up on a pregnancy test when ur pregnant though. ive never used an ovulation test so i dont what the signals are for when u are or are not ovulating, but as far as i know the answer is no they can just determine if ur ovulating.

  3. need a pregancy test for that...they are different

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