
Can parasites cause anemia in a human? ?

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Can parasites cause anemia in a human? ?




  1. Hello,

    Yes, parasites can cause anemia.  Hookworm infection is linked to blood loss and anemia.  You can read some childhood medical research studies linking parasites to anemia at

    Parasites have been using the human being as a host for a very long time and high infestation can cause much damage to the unsuspecting human.

    There is a great Colonix colon cleanse product and parasite removal herbal treatment available from DrNatura at

    Their parasite ridding program, Paranil, is part of their Colonix colon cleanse program.  It is made of herbal capsules and it is very safe and non-toxic.

    My friend passed a thirteen inch worm on the Colonix colon and parasite detox program.  DrNatura's Colonix colon cleanse and parasite removal treatment substantially helped improve my health

    Parasites are quite fascinating.  Dogs and horses are regularly dewormed.  I believe humans should deworm periodically, also.

    Vital Force

  2. Yes they can.  Humans can get intestinal worms and liver flukes.  If not treated the can cause a mild case of anemia, but I have never heard of any cases being severe.  See your doctor if you think you have parasites.  Some can be hard to treat....

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