
Can parents make their children put theor babies up for adoption?

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Say a teenage girl was pregnant could her parents make her give her child up for adiption?




  1. My daughter's sister is living with us right now for this very reason. She wants to keep her child and her father said NO WAY your putting the baby up for adoption. She showed up on our doorstep scared. I told her you do not have to give up your child.

         This still goes on in America.

  2. Legally, no.  As in, they can't bodily drag her to an adoption agency and force her to sign papers.

    That said, future grandparents can (and have) put a lot of pressure on their daughter to place the child for adoption.  Statements like "We will disown you if you don't place this child for adoption."  or "You will make a terrible parent.  We will call CPS if you keep the baby."  can certainly constitute coersion.  And while that's difficult to prove it in court as illegal, it is certainly wrong, unequivocially wrong.  

    Also, statements like, "You'll be providing a childless couple with their dream." can also be coersion, putting the girl in the position of being a bad person for denying a child to some unfortunate couple.  

    So, bodily force, no.  But can they make a girl's life miserable unless she complies with their wishes, absolutely.

  3. Not legally, no.  Well, at least not in America.  I can't speak for other countries.  But they can do a whole lot to make it happen, legal or not.  If the parents are working with an unethical adoption agency, watch out!  I have heard of parents or adoption agencies telling mom's that their baby is dead, when in fact, the baby is with other people, being adopted.

  4. They can make your life h**l.  It's worse if you are naive about what is available because you will be lied to.

  5. In the US, no but they can be coerced, manipulated and guilted  into it. It happens everyday and its no different.

    In 3rd world countries, yes. Many girls are illegally forced and coerced because laws are not enforced to protect them.

  6. i am adopted myself. it is hard growing up not knowing who your really parents are, one day you will want to find them. but i don't think the parents can make the teenager to give up her baby, it's not right. it has to be the girls decision what she wants to do with her child nobody elses, my parents wanted me to give my little boy up for adoption but i could not do it, because of all the hurt it has caused me in my life

  7. Not legally. It is your child and you will have to decide what to do with it. But they don't have to be there for you financially or show you any kind of family support at all.  It would be hard to be a teenage girl with a newborn and have no where to live or no one to help you raise a child.

  8. First off... No. Parents cannot make their children place their baby for adoption.

    Yes, they can make life a living h**l for them (especially if they still live at home), but legally NO ONE can force a mother to sign her rights away.

    If the pregnant child in question is under 18, in most states, the parent CANNOT kick the child out of the home. Doing so could quickly lead to a neglect and abandonment.

    If you know someone (or are that someone) who has people attempting to force them into making an adoption plan through coersion, threats, acts of violence, or any other means, you really need to report it to someone.

  9. Legally no - but emotional and psychological pressure - h**l yes.

    My mother was sent to an unmarried mother's home in another state by her mother (my grandmother) - even as an adult - and told to not come back with 'that baby' - as it would cause the family shame.

    This was in 1969.

    And parents 'forcing' their children to give up their babies still happens to this day.

    A child looks to his/her parents for advice - for wisdom - and if the parents are more interested in their own cause - instead of looking after the absolute best interests of their child - and their possible grand-child (which ultimately is to stay together - for better emotional and psychological health of them both) - then shame on them for not doing the right thing - and instead looking after their own best interests.

  10. I don't think they can "make" you...but they could cut off all funding, and kick you out of the hourse if you refuse. I belive if you're under the age of 18, and you have a child, you're considered and immancipated minor...which pretty much means you're your own girl.

  11. They can't legally FORCE her to but they could probably find someway to get their child to... if the girl is unwilling it would probably lead to depression and she would probably not have a very good relation ship with her parents...             it is the mother's choice but parents seem to find ways to make their kids do what they say.

  12. No. Nor is it their place to. I'd say their own parenting went downhill when they stopped caring that their teenage daughter was having s*x. They can kick their daughter out of the house or start charging her rent, but they are not the baby's parents, so they don't get to make the choice to put the baby up for adoption (although it's usually the BEST choice in situations like that).

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