
Can parents pull legal ownership on my horses?

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I got all of their paperwork and everything is in my name and I have reciepts but my dad is trying to pull ownership on them from me, can he do that? Someone told me there is a special equine law in Fl(Where I live) that states that anyone over 13 years of age can own a horse and parents can not pull ownership.. is this true or can anyone find out more information about it? Im 15 and pay for all of my horses feed bills and their coggins are in my name.




  1. Some courts may not recognize your ownership of them since you are still a dependant minor, but if you can prove that they were sold to you, that your paid for them, as well as other receipts proving ownership, you may win your argument.  I hope that you and your parents work out your problems and don't have to go to court or anything.

  2. Did they buy the horses?  If so, they are their horses, not yours.  Regardless of whether the feed bills and coggins tests are in your name, if you don't have a bill of sale in your name, they aren't yours.  Doesn't matter whether FL law allows a minor to own a horse or not, if you didn't purchase the horses, you don't own them.  

    Plus, there is no such law, anyway.  Here's a summary of all the animal-related Florida statutes:  I also searched the Florida code as well- nothing there conferring to minors the rights to own any sort of animal.  If you're a minor, you can't 'own' an animal, legally.  Your parents are the rightful owners.

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