
Can parents waive doctor-patient privilege for their teenage child if child is missing?

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If the case scenario is if the teenager is missing, can parents waive doctor-patient privilege for a police investigation?

If you can answer this question in specific to laws in New York that'd be great, but answers from other states and countries are welcome too.




  1. If the child is under 18 I think the parents can make the doctor tell them anything they want to know. Especially if the child is missing.

  2. Well, I am not in NY, but FL... and I do know that if it is to aid in an investigation, absolutely you can waive the rights and should.

    This would come under HIPAA as well, and you, the parent, would simply sign a medical records release at the physician's office, allowing the transfer of medical information to the authorities.

    Hope this helps... it is a very easy process actually, since you are responsible for a minor child.

  3. People routinely waive privilege for a lot less. Every hospital in the country keep a huge stack of "release of information" forms on hand for a variety of reasons.

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