
Can parents with autistic children help me?

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My baby boy is 2 weeks old and I've been being paranoid. I was wondering, to the parents who have children with autism, were they unusually well behaved as newborns?




  1. 2 weeks is too young--

    first of all the vision isn't developed-so you can't assess eye contact-

    2nd,--it is normal for a baby to be very cranky, very happy, or mixed....

  2. If your baby is only 2 weeks i think it is too early to be diagnosed with this condition. I am not a parent but i have worked with autistic children and know a little about their behavior. Every child shows a different characteristic and behavior. Usually they isolate themself and most of them are very inteligent. some are non verval , some are runners(they run way) so you need to be very careful . When the kid is diagnosed as an autistic he will be cualified in  the Special Education (public schools if  parent desire) They will provide special help it depend of each and individual case. but i don't think you should be scare. Blessings to you and your baby!

  3. The first symptom of autism is poor eye contact.

    But your child is so young, he is still having trouble focusing so your child is too young even for that symptom to be recognizable.

  4. Stop worrying, at two weeks old it would be just about impossible to diagnose a child with autism. Children with autism are the same as children without autism, they are all different. Relax and enjoy your baby.

  5. Two weeks is too young to be diagnosed with Autism.

    My only child was first suspected in having Autism about the age of two or three years old First signs was the twirling of toys and spinning them-self around and around.  

  6. As these people have already said, it's impossible to tell at such a young age. While it's true that some parents of children with autism say their babies were unusually quiet and well-behaved, there are just as many who say their babies behaviour was quite the opposite.  

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