
Can passengers in the first rows hear the (alert) sounds from the cockpit (like the beep-beep when the........

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...... auto-pilot is disengaged shortly before landing)?




  1. Absolutely...  I have never been able to hear it on large aircraft like the 737, but on both the ERJ and CRJs I have heard it.

  2. Depends on the aircraft. In some of those propeller ~15 seater commuter planes the first row is practically in the cockpit.

  3. Actually on a 757 and (i think it was) an A321, I heard some of the cockpit sounds, but I actually found it really cool! I've always wanted to fly a plane...

  4. if the plane is quiet i wouldnt doubt it i would love to see the look of someone hearing that and they are scared of flying

    boooop booop booooop lol

  5. Yes, sometimes.  It depends on how quiet the particular aircraft is, and how close the first row is to the cockpit.  It's more difficult to hear now that we have stronger doors after 9/11.

  6. Oh MY GOD, We're Out of Fuel...We're All Gonna Die!!.

    No wait,....thats just the intercom light.


    I used to be a private pilot  MEL, etc......Bought a ticket for a short commuter flight in a Cessna 421...I swear the Pilot was like 19 years old.  I didn't say anything, but since I was the only passenger that day, he asked be to sit in the right seat, which I did.

    my first misgiving was when he turned to me with a pair of mirrored aviator glasses and asked..."Ready to Blast off?"


    Along the way we chatted about meteorology and  he asked what was that 'stuff' coming out of the bottom of the cloud in front of us.....  I explaind what 'virga' was and that the particular cloud was a  cumulonimbus and that we should probably divert around it.  it would only add about 10 minutes to the flight.  thankfully he did.

    I stopped commuting by plane that day.  I still fly.....just not with teenagers.


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