
Can peonies be pruned aftter all flowering has taken place like now or do you wait until fall when dorment?

by Guest66557  |  earlier

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Can peonies be pruned aftter all flowering has taken place like now or do you wait until fall when dorment?




  1. Pruned how?  I remove spent blossoms as soon

    as they wither, but I don't remove the leaves until after

    the frost has killed them.

  2. Peonies are hard to distroy. I personally would trim them anytime, as long as theres roots it'll keep coming back every year.

  3. Wait until all the green is gone.  The stems are feeding the root system for next years growth.

  4. Best to wait until dormant.  As long as the leaves are green, they are feeding the roots.  So it is better for the plant to wait until the leaves have begun to die down.

  5. The spent blossoms can be pruned off as soon as the plant has finished flowering.  But leave the foliage on the plant until it has been killed by the first heavy frost.  

    Plants need their foliage for photosynthesis.  Removing the foliage while the plant is still actively growing will essentially starve it.

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