
Can people answer my question please?

by  |  earlier

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i don't think its that hard, is it?

if i need to elaborate more, please tell me.;_ylt=Akucau07FdznNTSXNyQgkensy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080720012651AAHYKhq




  1. Firstly, I think you should stop stressing about boys and relationships in general for the moment - you have decades ahead of you to get involved if that's truly what you want.  From a quick browse of the linked website you provided, you are obviously a creative person and probably different to the vast bulk of the population in many ways.  There is someone out there just for you and you will link up when the time is right for both of you - in the meantime,  enjoy your art and your life and be happy!

  2. i just answered it and i totally agree with you, its really annoying

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