
Can people be born g*y? I just always wanted to know,...?

by Guest55774  |  earlier

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When you are growing up though, what is the actual point when you say, huh, im g*y, and I have been g*y,........for as long as I can remember?




  1. I think you already know the answer you'll get in here. It's a resounding YES YES YES YES

  2. I knew I was "different" from the other pre teen girls when i was making up crushes on the boy bands and the stars from 90210. I did not know what I was or what it was called until i was 14 and met a L*****n then i knew, it all made sense. So yes I do  belive i was born g*y.  

  3. Theirs no such thing born g*y, look up the word (born) God didnt make a mistake authorize our existence threw our mother womb if, exist as woman be woman if exist as man be a man.You are not a L*****n. You may have a woman who you are with, but you are not a L*****n. You are just so upset with men and so hurt by men that you would rather lay next to a woman who shares your pain. But the moment a real man comes along, you’ll get up out of bed with that woman.

    This world glorifying this abomination by using television, radio, and magazines to make a (behavior) that is unacceptable to God , acceptable to us "basically it produce that (thought) or enviroment. To anyone in who is g*y or L*****n, I don’t want you to think that we are denigrating you; all of us are sinners and we are no better than you. We are saying, however, that such conduct earned Sodom and Gomorrah the wrath of God ,He created the male and the female and from them, many men and women." The "single essence" is God Himself. You are born out of the very Nature of God. The woman is made after the womb out of which God created Himself, and in the woman is the Secret of God. Woman is key kingdom of Heaven!

  4. noooooooooooooooooooooooo, of course not, babies are innocent and could NEVER be g*y.

    *extreme sarcasm*

    yes, people are born g*y. it's just that simple.

  5. And the answer to the million dollar question is...

    Yes people are born g*y.

  6. over the past thirty years attempts have been made to scientifically prove that  homosexuality is inborn. all attempts have failed, therefore, by default, it appears to remain a personal choice.

  7. I'm pretty certain I was born g*y.  

  8. I don't think sexual development and orientation form until their adolescent years...

  9. Yes,we are.It dawned on me when I was about 11 & started to understand what 'g*y' was.All the pieces fell into place for me.

  10. Yep!  :)

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