
Can people change? Why? Why not?

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Can people change? Why? Why not?




  1. Of course people can change. Because we have free will along with Allahs sustenance and our gratitude towards Allah.

    Though it can be difficult. If you are in a contious state you can.  

  2. yes, people can change and if change is for good purpose, then there is no problem in changing i mean no ego n all ~!

  3. not usually

    depends on whether the change means more hard work or not. if the change means working hard then people avoid that change. thats why more people choose to tread the path of corruption than that of virtue

  4. The answer is, of course, yes.  Humans by nature, by design, have the ability to adapt, to change in order to survive and live better.

  5. Yes, certainly. A human can change....look at all the converts to Islam who want to walk the straight path, mashallah. We have the ability to recognize where our lives can be improved, and we have the ability to make the changes. Personally I believe that if someone "wants' to change but doesn't, it just means that they didn't want to enough. And I can use myself as an example there... I had a weight issue when I was younger, and while I was not huge, I could have stood to lose a few pounds. But as much as I said that I wanted to lose wieght....I wouldn't get my butt of the couch, and I couldn't put down those bags of chips.

    Until one day, I something clicked. I don't knwo what, I didn't have a major revelation... but I just wanted to tkae the lifestyle change seriosuly. So then I wanted to get off the couch. I wanted to put down the bag of chips.  And the weight just melted off.

    So I think that definitely, if poeple have the pure intent to want to change, they most certainly can.  

  6. Yes.  Wait, no.

  7. we are what we live many a times...

    so usually it's life itself that changes us...

    when we are young we usually are more trusting as we grew we become disillusioned about many thing...

    but it depends on what ppl we have around us.. some ppl manage to bring out the best of us others the worst.

    usually ppl say they can change when they fall in love but in reality it's coz we are happy and the disillusioned person starts trusting and is positive again..

    there are things which are catalystic in our lives which transform us.. like the birth of a child etc...

    in a marriage it is important to share everything and be close and talk otherwise the two can grow apart while if they share everything the changes are lived together and they grow closer and in parallel not in different directions...

  8. yes if someone like is bad then they die then come back to life then they feel like they were bad and they go to church and give to charity and **** like that

  9. Yes, because people are Humans and Humans are never complete!

    SO when thy see betterment, they change!

  10. Sometimes, but not often.

  11. Yes of course! Why because If you knew me 3 years back I was something completely different to what I am today from bad into good Alhamdulillah ;)

  12. First of all what do you mean by change? Personally I don't think people can change and if they do they will always have something from the past that will affect them. Well people's looks can change and so many other things but they will always be themselves because this is how they were created and what they are used to being like. Believe it or not it is hard to change!


    P.S interesting question!!!

  13. In order to change, a person has to:

    1. Admit the need for changing -- in other words, admit they aren't right, or perfect, and that's hard.

    2. Be ready to change -- not keep putting it off for various reasons or saying things like, "I'm too old to change," or "This is the way I was created" or "I'll wait until...." (whenever date or time)

    3. Know how to change  -- you must know what your end-goal is: to be a more patient person, to get rid of your procrastination, etc. and research ways to do it by talking to people and maybe even reading books about it.

    4. Keep being that changed person, and not slip back into your old ways

    It can happen if a person is committed and honest enough, but for the most part people find it hard to change unless they are really motivated.

    If you are wondering whether a certain person in your life has changed, don't listen to their words, look at how they act and what they do. Anyone can claim they have changed -- please be careful!  

  14. i am not going to change....


  15. people change anyways, and are always changing.

  16. Yeah..people do change..and at times it hurts when your dear ones change ..

  17. That is because Allah would never change a favour that He has conferred upon a people until they change their own condition, and know that Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (8:53)

    Holy Quran

  18. well everything changes but Allah (swt).

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